- Bhagavad Gita never supports any caste system……!!!!
- “Whenever, O Bharat, righteousness (dharm) declines and unrighteousness is rampant, I manifest myself.”
- “What helpful advice can you prescribe for our forum aspirants so that they can stay in a state that Sri Krishn described as Stitha Prajna for a longer time, immersed in spirit?”
- The True Meaning Of “Action” Or “Karm” (pronounced as “KARMA”as well) Is Therefore Worship……!!!
- “Resting in yog, renouncing infatuation for worldly ties, and looking at success and failure with an equal mind, one should undertake action…….!!!”
- What is the true concept of “Karm”(pronounced as “KARMA” as well) or Action is as per teachings of Yogeshwar Krishn in Bhagavad Gita?
- Metaphysical interpretation of the term “Karma”/ Action as per divine concepts of Yogeshwar Krishn taught in Bhagavd Gita……!!!!
- Two ways of spiritual discipline, the Way of Discrimination or Knowledge for sages and the Way of Selfless Action for men of action…..!!!”
- The very first appearance of metaphysical term “Karm”/Action (pronounced as “Karma” as well) which emerged from Bhagavad Gita……!!!!
- महर्षि पतञ्जलिकृतं योगदर्शन…..!!!/ Maharshi Patanjalikrit Yogdarshan……!!!
- The BhagawadGeeta in its True Perspective…….!!!!!
- Manifestation Of God……..!!!
- Can you please explain What makes the consciousness forget its own nature and falls in materialistic world?
- A message from Bhagavad Gita to entire Globe……!!!
- Bhagavad Gita-the best evergreen metaphysical psychotherapy ever done in global spiritual history…!!!!!
- Does Bhagavad Gita require an updated version as per modern human psychology of 21st century…???
- My Supreme abode….!!!
- Why do young children die?
- Perception of God and the consequent enlightenment are knowledge….!!!
- How to effect the quest for the God?
- When restraint is integrated with the Self and the operations of breath and senses are stilled….!!!
- In the state in which even the yog-restrained mind is dissolved….!!!
- A God-oriented saint is the abode of all this bliss…..!!!
- To take refuge in God and seek the ultimate liberation….!!!
- “Have you, Parth, listened intently to my words and, Dhananjay, is your delusion born out of ignorance dispelled?”- Lord Krishn!!!
- Enlightening a seeker on the way of true self-surrender through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- The importance of worship and meditation by introducing idea of “devotion” for yogi who undertakes selfless action as per Gita!!!
- What are attributes of the accomplisher at the point where action is no longer of any avail as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- The organization of men into four classes (varn) is name of the inner ability gained from one’s action as per Bhagavad Gita!!!
- The threefold classification according to the properties of nature of intellect, steadfastness, and happiness as per Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Knowledge, action, and the doer are also each of three kinds as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- The five principles that Sankhya acknowledges as accomplishers of all action through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- “Principles of relinquishment and of renunciation through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!”
- The significance of OM, Tat, and Sat through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Distinction between three kinds of yagya, penance, and alms, that are like three kinds of food according to individual taste!!!
- What is the property-sattwa, rajas, or tamas of persons who albeit worship with faith but in disregard of scriptural ordinance?
- In whom do the wealth of divinity and demoniacal impulses abide as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- The attributes of the treasure of divinity which subsist only in a seeker whose meditation has ripened to maturity as per Bhagavad Gita!!
- Most subtle of all knowledge by knowing the essence of which a man gains wisdom and accomplishes all his tasks as per Gita!!!
- The glories of the Self of realized sages through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- What is the form of that ultimate state which is achieved by renunciation through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- The world is a tree which yogi who are seeking for the supreme goal have to cut down as per teachings of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- “Tell me, O Lord, the attributes of the man who has risen above the three properties and the way by which he transcends these??”
- Supreme knowledge which is the noblest of all knowledge to achieve the ultimate perfection through metaphysical vision of Gita!!!
- It is only by gradual stages that God controls his three-propertied nature by the exercise of yog-maya and manifests himself!!!
- To get enlightened well on that which is to be known and after knowing which mortal man achieves the quality of deathlessness!!!
- A precise declaration of the concept of the sphere within human body through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Enumeration of way of life of worshipers who have attained to the ultimate peace through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Which one of two kinds of devotees, they who worship manifest God and they who contemplate the unmanifest Spirit, are superior?
- The one way to attain to Supreme Spirit is perfect intentness as per teachings of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- “How should I, O Yogeshwar, know you by incessant contemplation and in what forms, O Lord, should I worship you?”
- How Yogi constantly adore God as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- Listen again, O Arjun, to the mystic and compelling words I wish to speak because of my concern for the good of a beloved pupil…!!!
- The profit that will accrue from the worshiper’s attainment of his state through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita…!!!
- What is the lot of those who are liberated from all desire through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- Who is the real performer of yagya, the healer and the sacred prayer through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita???
- What is that which maya creates by assuming the property that belongs to Lord through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- What the yogi does and about accomplishment by such great Souls through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- “I shall instruct you well with analogy in this mysterious knowledge, knowing of which liberates from this sorrowfull world.”
- When even men of steady devotion are within the limits of rebirth and when they are beyond it through metaphysical vision of Gita??
- Yogi knows when the night of ignorance falls and when the day of knowledge dawns, and also the limits of the dominance of time…!!!
- Sphere of rebirth expounded through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- What is the ultimate state that should be the worshiper’s goal and how it may be attained as per teachings of Bhagavad Gita….??
- What the object of meditation should be and how God is perceived at the time of departing from the body as per Bhagavad Gita…??
- Seven Spiritual Questions Of A Seeker Answered Through Metaphysical Vision Of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- When God is giver of spiritual glory as well as pleasure, yet why people do not worship him? A metaphysical vision from Bhagavad Gita!!!
- “Four kinds of devotees, O the best of Bharat, worship me”…..sings Lord Krishn in Bhagavad Gita!!!
- All desires are forbidden, but yearning for the attainment of God is essential as we cannot be inclined to worship in its absence…!!!
- What does abiding firmly in God mean? When does that stage appear at which there is not even the least imperfection…??
- What is the end of the acquiescent worshiper whose inconstant mind has strayed from selfless action and deprived of perception?
- The mind is doubtlessly fickle and hard to restrain, but it is disciplined by perseverance of effort and renunciation….!!!
- What a well-restrained mind is and what is the consequence of this restraint through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita…??
- The seat of the worshiper, the place of worship, the posture of the worshiper, and the manner of worship as per Bhagavad Gita…!!!
- Who Is A Sanyasi And A Yogi Through Metaphysical Vision Of Bhagavad Gita???
- The distinctive marks of the sage who has known God and merged into Him through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita…!!!
- Function of knowledge through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita….!!!
- The characteristic marks of the person who is blessed with selfless action through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita….!!!
- The Way of knowledge through Renunciation and then the Way of Selfless Action; which one of the two is decidedly more propitious???
- Sacrifice Through Wisdom Is In Every Way Superior To Sacrifices Made With Material Objects, Sings Lord Krishn In Bhagavad Gita….!!!
- Even Learned Call That Man A Sage All Of Whose Actions Are Free From Desire And Will, Burnt To Ashes By The Fire Of Knowledge….!!!
- “I Am Unsullied By Action Because I Am Not Attached To It”…..Sings Lord Krishn In Bhagavad Gita…!!!
- “yo vetti tattvataḥ”….God, So Inscrutable And Mysterious, Is Perceptible Only To Him Who Has Known The Reality….!!!
- “yadā-yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata”……Expounded Through Metaphysical Vision From Bhagavad Gita!!!
- What, O Varshneya, is that which drives man, forced against his will as it were and with reluctance, to act impiously?
- Who the doer of action is and what the motives of action are through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita….??
- A selfless man realizes God only through selfless action which is worthy of doing and same as the ordained action…!!!
- “Yagya” Fulfils God-Inclined Aspirations And Leads To Attainment Of God Only By Gradual Steps…!
- “O Janardan, If you think knowledge superior to action, why do you, O Keshav, ask me to engage in fearsome action?”
- If planted, the seed of ordained action takes us to the realization of God and to emancipation alike from pleasure and from pain….!!!
- Attainment of the unmanifest, formless God is most difficult as long as a worshiper takes pride in his birth and prowess…..!!!
- If A Realized Sage Just Casts A Glance At A Devotee, The Refinement Of Yog Is Transmitted Into Life-Breath Of The Lucky Soul..!!
- Interpretation Of “Yog” Through Metaphysical Vision Of The Bhagavad Gita…!
- “On This Auspicious Path, The Resolute Mind Is One, But The Minds Of The Ignorant Are Divided And Many”…Sings Lord Krishn…!!!
- “Neither Ever Born Nor Dying, Neither At Any Time Coming Into Being Nor Ceasing To Be, The Self Is Birthless”- Sings Sri Krishn!!!
- “With My Mind Swamped With Feeble Pity and Confusion, I Entreat You To Guide Me As To What Is Definitely Conducive To My Glory?”
- “The attributes of the man who has risen above, his manner of life, and the way by which he transcends the three properties…..?”
- What is the profit of knowing all the three properties and it’s consequence through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- How The Soul Dwells Amidst Nature Through Metaphysical Vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- That happiness is which the seeker attains to, by spiritual discipline by concentrating his or her mind on the cherished goal…..!!!
- They attain to the eternal peace of God whose sins have been destroyed by direct perception and whose doubts are resolved…!!!
- The concept of true “KNOWLEDGE” in human life through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita…!!!
- “As blazing fire turns fuel to ashes, the fire of knowledge reduces all action to ashes”..Sings Lord Krishn in Bhagavad Gita!!!
- “Since yogi are superior, O Arjun, you should be a yogi, doer of selfless action”….Sings Lord Krishn in Bhagavad Gita……!!!
- How can anyone control the mind to attain eternal peace which is all-pervading in the vastness of its range and comprehension….???
- “UNIFORM DHARM PRINCIPLES” Through Metaphysical Vision Of Bhagavad Gita By Lord Krishn….!!!
- The real concept of dharm of the Self (swadharm) through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita…!!!
- The Concept of Real War in Human Life Through Metaphysical Vision Of Bhagavad Gita…!!!
- To Regard The Bhagavad Gita As Just A Sacred Book Is Not Enough….!!!
- This direct perception of the Supreme Spirit is named Ved…..!!!
- A Man Of True Faith Can Embark Upon The Ordained Action In Every Circumstance Of Worldly Life…..!!!
- Is It The Cessation Of The Properties That Is So Important Or Is It The Cessation Of Attachment To The Properties Of Nature That Is Most Important…..???
- ‘Purush Vishesh Ishwar’ (Supreme God)……!!!
- Meditation at a glance…!!!
- How does one reach that state in knowing that they have been here before but just cannot see it…..?
- The basis of correct knowledge is correct perception, correct deduction and correct witness or accurate evidence…!!!
- Passivity (sleep) is based upon the quiescent state of the vrittis or upon the non-perception of the senses….!!!!
- The act of compassion by the seeker in the state before Self-realization must be deeply understood…..!!!
- “What, O Krishn, is that which drives man, forced against his will as it were and with reluctance, to act impious….?
- How teachings of Bhagavad Gita accommodate the essential feelings of mankind inclined to God’s devotion?
- Summary of Chapter Five of Bhagavad Geeta…..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Five– Expositions of Verses “Twenty Six To Twenty Nine”……….!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Five– Expositions of Verses “Twenty One To Twenty Five”….!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Five– Expositions of Verses “Sixteen To Twenty”….!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Five– Expositions of Verses “Eleven To Fifteen”….!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Five– Expositions of Verses “Six To Ten”….!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Five– Expositions of Verses “One To Five”….!!!
- Summary of Chapter Four of Bhagavad Geeta…..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Four – Expositions of Verses “Thirty Six To Forty Two”….!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Four – Expositions of Verses “Thirty One To Thirty Five”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Four – Expositions of Verses “Twenty Six To Thirty”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Four – Expositions of Verses “Twenty One To Twenty Five”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Four – Expositions of Verses “Sixteen To Twenty”……!!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Four – Expositions of Verses “Eleven To Fifteen”……!!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Four – Expositions of Verses “Six To Ten”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Four – Expositions of Verses “One To Five”..!!!
- Summary of Chapter Three of Bhagavad Geeta…..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “Forty One to Forty Three”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “Thirty six to Forty”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “Thirty one to Thirty Five”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “Twenty Six to Thirty”..!!!
- Properties of nature are mutable…..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “Twenty One to Twenty Five”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “Sixteen to Twenty”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “Eleven to Fifteen”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “Six to Ten”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Three – Expositions of Verses “One to Five”..!!!
- Summary of Chapter Two of Bhagavad Geeta…..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Sixty six to Seventy two”..!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Sixty two to Sixty Five”…Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Fifty six to Sixty One”….Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Fifty One to Fifty Five”….Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Forty six to Fifty”….Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Forty one to Forty five”….Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Thirty six to Forty”….Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Thirty one to Thirty five”….Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Twenty six to Thirty”….Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Twenty one to Twenty five”….Summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Sixteen to Twenty”…summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Eleven to Fifteen”…summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Six to Ten” summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “One to Five” summed up!!!
- Summary of Bhagavad Gita – Chapter One….. at a glance!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Forty two to Forty seven” summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Thirty six to forty one” summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Thirty one to Thirty five”summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Eleven to fifteen” summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Twenty six to thirty” summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Twenty to Twenty Five” summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Sixteen to nineteen” summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Six to Ten” summed up!!!
- “Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “one to five” summed up!!!
- “Austerity” defined through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita…!!!
- Recite OM,symbol of God,and contemplate him….!!!
- An accomplished teacher dwells in his disciple’s heart and is always by his side until the goal is reached….!!!
- “Food” as per Bhagavad Gita…!!!!
- God Is Immanent And Transcendent At The Same Time…!!!
- The Self is the inner ruler.
- Selfless action is only one and its outcome is also one….!!!
- Sri Krishn is the invincible “Ram” among wielders of weapons….!!!
- Sri Krishn is Shankar among Rudr….!!!
- Men without discrimination have irresolute minds….!!!!
- Intellect is graded into three kinds….!!!
- The worshipper’s mind should rather always be concerned with that-word, form, incarnation, or abode…!!!
- The really beneficial war is the conflict between matter and spirit…!!!
- “O Savyasachin, have to be just the nominal agent of their destruction”…..!!!…
- A journey is complete only when the destination is reached….!!!
- True nonviolence is cultivating one’s own Self ….!!!!
- I myself protect the yog of men who abide in me with steady, undeviating faith and who worship me selflessly, remembering me as God…..!!!
- Five principles that Sankhya acknowledges as accomplishers of all action defined through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Only an endeavour made over a number of lives effects the ultimate accomplishment….!!!!
- “I believe that you are Akshar, the imperishable God..!!!
- What “action” is and what “actionlessness” as well “meritorious action”….???
- There is no escape from action…….!!!!!
- “Knowledge” and “Ignorance” as preached in Bhagavad Gita..!!!
- Degradation of the Self is hell; and lust, anger and greed are the three chief gateways to it…!!!
- “Seek refuge with all your heart, O Bharat, in that God by whose grace you will attain to repose and the everlasting, ultimate bliss”…..!!!
- “I myself protect the yog of men who abide in me with steady and undeviating faith”……!!!
- God is also the bestower of enjoyment of worldly pleasures….!!!
- “A dust-covered mirror cannot give a clear image”……!!!
- “That Soul is the real “us”….!!!
- Who we are….???
- “To engage in action by the Way of Knowledge is better than just the exercise of restraining the mind”…..!!!
- “The Bhagavad Gita – Seed Scripture for Mankind”….!!!
- If engaged in devotional contemplation, even a wicked man soon grows righteous, becomes one with the almighty God, and realizes the ultimate, imperishable repose….!!!
- “O Parth, as men worship me, even so do I accept them…!!!
- Death is a mere physical change: the Self does not die….!!!
- This is the stage when the Soul is liberated….!!!
- “Yatharth Geeta”- Shreemad Bhagavad Gita In It’s True Perspective !!!
- Salvation….!!!
- That Sage Is Liberated For Ever……!!!
- “The abode of Supreme Being……..!!!!”
- Ultimate State Of Realizing God….!!!
- Yogi…….!!!
- True and blessed Yogi…..!!!
- The Yogi, Engaged In Self-Conquest…..!!!!
- balam balavatām cāham kāmarāgavivarjitam……….I Am, O The Best Of Bharat !!!
- The Self,Friend As Well Enemy……!!!
- The pleasures of sense merge into a man of steady discrimination without producing any deviation…..!!!
- The man, all of whose actions are merged into God…….!!!
- They Who Know Me As………..!!!
- And I Too Am The Sacred, Imperishable “OM” Who Is Worthy Of Being Known!!!
- What Actually Does Continence (brahmcharya vrat)-Celibacy-Mean As Preached In Bhagavad Gita?
- In The State In Which Even The Yog-Restrained Mind Is Dissolved By A Direct Perception Of God !!!
- Manifestation Of God !!!
- Pranayam……. !!!
- “OM”….. Is The Symbol Of The One God….!!!
- The Ark Of Knowledge Will Carry You Safely Across All Evils!!!
- Who Is Worthy Of Being Regarded As A Saint !!!
- Four Kinds Of Devotees!!!
- The Soul Is Transcendental….. !!!
- The Soul Is Unmanifest…… !!!
- The Embodied Spirit Itself Is For Ever, Indestructible, And Boundless…!!!
- The Embodied Self……!!!
- The Four Essential Requirements Of The Evolutionary Discipline!!!
- The Yog Of Devotion…..!!!
- Who Is Dear To God ?
- GOD Dictates Are Received In Four Ways !!!
- Attributes Of A Steady Minded Sage, A Real Guru !!!
- How One Who Is Immaculate Achieves Realization Of The Supreme Being!!!
- Who The Author Of Yog Is, As Well As The Stages By Which This Discipline Has Evolved?
- “What Are The Circumstances Of God’s Manifestation?”
- God’s Incarnation, His gradual Manifestation Are Not Like The Birth And Deeds Of Mortals!!!
- “O Parth, As Men Worship Me, Even So Do I Accept Them!!!
- Know Me The Immutable As A Non-Doer!!!
- “Varn” Denotes “Form” And Deviation From The Way Of Ordained Action Is Varnsankar….!!!
- Western And Eastern Thoughts On Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Seeker’s Mind – Different Stages Till Accomplishment!!!
- That “Intellect” Is……………!!!
- “That sage is liberated for ever…!!!
- Steadfastness….!!!
- “Niyatam Kuru Karma……!!!”
- “Entitled Only To The Performance Of Action But Never To The Fruits Thereof “……..!!!
- Action With Desire For The Fruits Thereof Is Far Inferior To The Path Of Discrimination!!!
- Bhagavad Gita Is A Sacred Writ Of The Whole Of Humanity!!!
- Composite view Of DHARM….!!!
- Series Of Questions, Answering To Which Has Made Bhagavad Gita, A Celestial Song And Everlasting Source Of Eternal Peace….!!!
- A Secret Key To Understand Metaphysical Concepts Behind Bhagavad Gita Verses!!!
- A Step Leading To Meditation!!!
- Let Us Listen To The Flourish Of The Warriors’ Conches In Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Dharm…..what is Dharm???
- Bhagavad Gita: Song Of Revelation Is For Everyone, And It’s Specially Salutary For Householders!!!
- Basics of spiritual path…!!!
- This Ultimate Bliss Comes Only To That …….!!!
- Listen me O Parth………..I soon deliver my affectionate devotees……!!!
- “What exactly is meditation… does it mean simply sitting silent and inwardly thinking of your work…….!!!
- Action will be brought to an end only by yog….!!!
- Like the great Creator, is my eight-propertied primal nature, the womb of which I fertilize with the seed of consciousness…!!!
- “Whenever, O Bharat, righteousness (dharm) declines and unrighteousness is rampant, I manifest myself.”…….Lord Krishna..!!!
- Doubtlessly nothing in the world is more purifying than this spiritual knowledge…!!!
- Fully restrained mind of a yogi….!!!
- Awakening is a stage when initially a seeker starts getting access in God for self realization…!!!
- Walk upon this path…!!!!
- Supreme Vision…!!!!
- A true and blessed yogi….!!!
- The one and only name of God is recited at four levels: baikhari, madhyama, pashyanti, and para……!!!
- Is really Bhagavad Gita “an extremist” literature and a literature spreading “social discord”?
- Adhyatm is knowledge of God’s dominance…!!!
- “dharmasansthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge-yuge”…….I Manifest Myself From Age To Age To Defend The Pious!!!
- The imperishable God-is a non-agent and should be known as such….!!!
- Seek refuge with all your heart, O Bharat….!!!
- The path….!!!
- Soul enshrined in a man is his friend as well as foe….!!!
- Action means worship….!!!
- Three generations bestowing divine blessings in a row upon “Geetadhara”..!!!
- Restraint of desire and will is a victory of the mind….!!!!
- Repose and the everlasting, ultimate bliss…….!!!
- O my mind,Sing praises of the merciful Sri Ram….!!!!
- brahmaṇo hi pratiṣṭhāhamamṛtasyāvyayasya ca…!!!!
- “ahaṁ tvāṁ sarvapāpebhyo mokṣyayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ”….Grieve Not, For l Shall Free You From All Sins…Sings Krishn In Gita….!!!
- “śraddhā”…..!!!
- Devotion,a drop of the ocean…!!!
- “Swami,thank you for every thing”……..!!!
- Bow down to your lotus feet O’ most Revered Gurudev…!!!
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- Bhagavad Gita never supports any caste system……!!!!
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- Two ways of spiritual discipline, the Way of Discrimination or Knowledge for sages and the Way of Selfless Action for men of action…..!!!”
- The very first appearance of metaphysical term “Karm”/Action (pronounced as “Karma” as well) which emerged from Bhagavad Gita……!!!!
- महर्षि पतञ्जलिकृतं योगदर्शन…..!!!/ Maharshi Patanjalikrit Yogdarshan……!!!
- The BhagawadGeeta in its True Perspective…….!!!!!
- Manifestation Of God……..!!!
- Can you please explain What makes the consciousness forget its own nature and falls in materialistic world?
- A message from Bhagavad Gita to entire Globe……!!!
- Bhagavad Gita-the best evergreen metaphysical psychotherapy ever done in global spiritual history…!!!!!
- Does Bhagavad Gita require an updated version as per modern human psychology of 21st century…???
- My Supreme abode….!!!
- Why do young children die?
- Perception of God and the consequent enlightenment are knowledge….!!!
- How to effect the quest for the God?
- When restraint is integrated with the Self and the operations of breath and senses are stilled….!!!
- In the state in which even the yog-restrained mind is dissolved….!!!
- A God-oriented saint is the abode of all this bliss…..!!!
- To take refuge in God and seek the ultimate liberation….!!!
- “Have you, Parth, listened intently to my words and, Dhananjay, is your delusion born out of ignorance dispelled?”- Lord Krishn!!!
- Enlightening a seeker on the way of true self-surrender through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- The importance of worship and meditation by introducing idea of “devotion” for yogi who undertakes selfless action as per Gita!!!
- What are attributes of the accomplisher at the point where action is no longer of any avail as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- The organization of men into four classes (varn) is name of the inner ability gained from one’s action as per Bhagavad Gita!!!
- The threefold classification according to the properties of nature of intellect, steadfastness, and happiness as per Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Knowledge, action, and the doer are also each of three kinds as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- The five principles that Sankhya acknowledges as accomplishers of all action through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- “Principles of relinquishment and of renunciation through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!”
- The significance of OM, Tat, and Sat through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Distinction between three kinds of yagya, penance, and alms, that are like three kinds of food according to individual taste!!!
- What is the property-sattwa, rajas, or tamas of persons who albeit worship with faith but in disregard of scriptural ordinance?
- In whom do the wealth of divinity and demoniacal impulses abide as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- The attributes of the treasure of divinity which subsist only in a seeker whose meditation has ripened to maturity as per Bhagavad Gita!!
- Most subtle of all knowledge by knowing the essence of which a man gains wisdom and accomplishes all his tasks as per Gita!!!
- The glories of the Self of realized sages through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- What is the form of that ultimate state which is achieved by renunciation through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- The world is a tree which yogi who are seeking for the supreme goal have to cut down as per teachings of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- “Tell me, O Lord, the attributes of the man who has risen above the three properties and the way by which he transcends these??”
- Supreme knowledge which is the noblest of all knowledge to achieve the ultimate perfection through metaphysical vision of Gita!!!
- It is only by gradual stages that God controls his three-propertied nature by the exercise of yog-maya and manifests himself!!!
- To get enlightened well on that which is to be known and after knowing which mortal man achieves the quality of deathlessness!!!
- A precise declaration of the concept of the sphere within human body through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Enumeration of way of life of worshipers who have attained to the ultimate peace through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Which one of two kinds of devotees, they who worship manifest God and they who contemplate the unmanifest Spirit, are superior?
- The one way to attain to Supreme Spirit is perfect intentness as per teachings of Bhagavad Gita!!!
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