A compilation of humble sharing being intuited as spiritual experiences while traversing upon the divine path from way to Self Realization during interaction of the self with "Self" in guidance of an enlightened sage is getting reflected in "Gurukul".The contents are only for self contentment with firm confirmation to what says Lord Buddha: "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who has said it not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reasons and your own common sense."
Still like a newly borne baby, crying in lap of most revered Gurudev with closed eyes. I know nothing more than this "About Me". This given name "Mrityunjayanand" is HIS blessing. Each word being shared here is HIS grace, blessings, teachings where I stand simply as HIS mouthpiece and nothing is here on or of my own. My efforts to spread HIS divine and intuitive teachings are HIS instructions and my humble services in lotus feet of most revered Gurudev.
Humble Wishes!!!