“Pratyakshanumanagamah pramanani”
The basis of correct knowledge is correct perception,
correct deduction and correct witness or accurate evidence.
~The Yoga Sutras of Revered Patanjali ~
Praman (proof or evidence) is of three kinds-
1. Direct or evident or legible (Pratyaksh),
2. Inference or supposition(Anuman),
3. Scriptural or of traditional precepts (Aagam).
Pratyaksh means that which is tangible or visible.
Visibility confirms and creates faith.
But this is not limited up to only this extent.
The sensuous experiences are also Pratyaksh or direct.
Wild animals identify the smell of a lion from the distance of a mile
by creating a sound like ‘Chik-Pik’ alert their herds.
Even Kols and Bheels (aboriginals) catch the smell of a lion
from the distance of a kilometer.
They either move to opposite direction
climb on a tree to save themselves.
The moment the nostrils catch the smell Anuman
the process of inference or supposition starts.
The third testimony or proof (Praman) is Aagam the traditional lore.
The direct meeting with some genuine saint,
his words and his closeness is known as Aagam.
The moment one finds the testimony,
start taking shape.
~Revered Swami Adgadanand Jee Paramhans~
Humble Wishes!!!