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- Bhagavad Gita never supports any caste system……!!!!
- “Whenever, O Bharat, righteousness (dharm) declines and unrighteousness is rampant, I manifest myself.”
- “What helpful advice can you prescribe for our forum aspirants so that they can stay in a state that Sri Krishn described as Stitha Prajna for a longer time, immersed in spirit?”
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- What is the true concept of “Karm”(pronounced as “KARMA” as well) or Action is as per teachings of Yogeshwar Krishn in Bhagavad Gita?
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- The very first appearance of metaphysical term “Karm”/Action (pronounced as “Karma” as well) which emerged from Bhagavad Gita……!!!!
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- Enlightening a seeker on the way of true self-surrender through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
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- In whom do the wealth of divinity and demoniacal impulses abide as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- The attributes of the treasure of divinity which subsist only in a seeker whose meditation has ripened to maturity as per Bhagavad Gita!!
- Most subtle of all knowledge by knowing the essence of which a man gains wisdom and accomplishes all his tasks as per Gita!!!
- The glories of the Self of realized sages through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- What is the form of that ultimate state which is achieved by renunciation through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita?
- The world is a tree which yogi who are seeking for the supreme goal have to cut down as per teachings of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- “Tell me, O Lord, the attributes of the man who has risen above the three properties and the way by which he transcends these??”
- Supreme knowledge which is the noblest of all knowledge to achieve the ultimate perfection through metaphysical vision of Gita!!!
- It is only by gradual stages that God controls his three-propertied nature by the exercise of yog-maya and manifests himself!!!
- To get enlightened well on that which is to be known and after knowing which mortal man achieves the quality of deathlessness!!!
- A precise declaration of the concept of the sphere within human body through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Enumeration of way of life of worshipers who have attained to the ultimate peace through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!
- Which one of two kinds of devotees, they who worship manifest God and they who contemplate the unmanifest Spirit, are superior?
- The one way to attain to Supreme Spirit is perfect intentness as per teachings of Bhagavad Gita!!!
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Category Archives: By Scriptures
“Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Thirty one to Thirty five”….Summed up!!!
2.31 -“In view of your own dharm, too, it is unworthy of you to fear, for there is nothing more propitious for a Kshatriya than a righteous war.” It does not befit Arjun to be hesitant even if he just … Continue reading
“Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Twenty six to Thirty”….Summed up!!!
2.26 –“You ought not to grieve, O the mighty-armed, even if you think of him (the Self) as ever-born and ever-dying.” Arjun ought not to mourn even if he regards the Self as constantly born and constantly dying. * 2.27 … Continue reading
“Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Twenty one to Twenty five”….Summed up!!!
2.21 – “How can he, O Parth, who is conscious of the Soul within as imperishable, permanent, birthless, and immutable, kill or move another to kill?”Arjun is addressed as Parth, for he has made a chariot of the earth-made body … Continue reading
“Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Sixteen to Twenty”…summed up!!!
*****2.16 – “The unreal has no being and the real has no non-being; and the truth about both has also been seen by men who know the reality.”The unreal has no existence; it has no being and so bringing it … Continue reading
“Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Eleven to Fifteen”…summed up!!!
2.11 – The Lord said, “Although sorrowing over those who ought not to be grieved for, you yet speak wise words; but the discriminating mourn over neither the living nor those who are dead.”Sri Krishn tells Arjun that while he … Continue reading
“Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter Two – Expositions of Verses “Six to Ten” summed up!!!
2.6 -“I hardly know which is better, their (the Kaurav’s) conquering us or our conquering them – even Dhritrashtr ’s sons -who are our enemies, and yet after killing whom we may not wish to live.” Even possession of the … Continue reading