Author Archives: Mrityunjayanand

About Mrityunjayanand

Still like a newly borne baby, crying in lap of most revered Gurudev with closed eyes. I know nothing more than this "About Me". This given name "Mrityunjayanand" is HIS blessing. Each word being shared here is HIS grace, blessings, teachings where I stand simply as HIS mouthpiece and nothing is here on or of my own. My efforts to spread HIS divine and intuitive teachings are HIS instructions and my humble services in lotus feet of most revered Gurudev. Humble Wishes!!!

“Have you, Parth, listened intently to my words and, Dhananjay, is your delusion born out of ignorance dispelled?”- Lord Krishn!!!

The last but everlasting dialogue of Lord Krishn in Bhagavad Gita which always resonates in a loving heart of true disciple to prompt the divine impulses for perfect strengthening in order to get completely prepared to combat the battle of … Continue reading


Enlightening a seeker on the way of true self-surrender through metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!

Lord Krishn sings in Bhagavad Gita : “Grieve not, for l shall free you from all sins if you abandon all other obligations and seek refuge in me alone.” Arjun is counselled that he has to rid himself of concern … Continue reading

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The importance of worship and meditation by introducing idea of “devotion” for yogi who undertakes selfless action as per Gita!!!

The deed to be performed is the same-the ordained action, the exercise of yagya. And to gain it there must be self-surrender. Lord Krishn sings: “Although engaged in action whole heartedly, one who finds refuge in me achieves the everlasting, … Continue reading

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What are attributes of the accomplisher at the point where action is no longer of any avail as per metaphysical vision of Bhagavad Gita!!!

“Renunciation” is, as we have seen, complete self-abnegation. It is the condition in which the seeker abandons whatever he has and only then does he reach the point when no further action is needed. Lord Krishn sings: “He whose intellect … Continue reading

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The organization of men into four classes (varn) is name of the inner ability gained from one’s action as per Bhagavad Gita!!!

The conduct that takes one to God is worship, which commences in faith in the desired end. So meditation on the Supreme Being is the one true action that Lord Krishn has-divided into four steps in his system of varn. … Continue reading

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The threefold classification according to the properties of nature of intellect, steadfastness, and happiness as per Bhagavad Gita!!!

Lord Krishn sings: “Listen to me, too, O Dhananjay, on the threefold classification according to the properties of nature as I make them exhaustively and respectively, of intellect, steadfastness, and happiness.” “That intellect is immaculate, O Parth, which is aware … Continue reading

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