“Bhagavad Gita” in it’s true metaphysical perspective: Chapter One – Expositions of Verses “Forty two to Forty seven” summed up!!!

1.42. – “The unholy intermingling of classes condemns the destroyer of the family as well as the family itself to hell, for their ancestors, deprived of the offerings of obsequial cakes of rice and water libations, fall (from their heavenly abode).”

It is a quality of varnsankar to despatch families and their destroyers to hell. Divested of obsequial gifts of rice cakes, their forefathers also lose their heavenly home. The present is destroyed, the ancestors of the past fall, and the posterity to come will also descend to hell. Not only this, but-

1.43 – “The sin committed by destroyers of families, which causes an intermingling of classes, puts to an end the timeless dharm of both caste and family.”

According to Arjun, the evils of varnsankar destroy the traditions of both families and their destroyers. He holds the view that family traditions are changeless and eternal. But Sri Krishn refutes this later by asserting that Self alone is the changeless and eternal Sanatan Dharm. Before a man has realized the essence of this Sanatan Dharm, he gives credence to some tradition or the other. Such is Arjun’s belief at the moment, but in Sri Krishn’s view it is a mere delusion. 

1.44 – “We have heard, O Janardan, that hell is indeed the miserable habitat, for an infinite time, of men, the traditions of whose families have been destroyed.”

Men whose family traditions are destroyed have to dwell in hell endlessly. What is significant though is that Arjun has only heard so. As he believes, with the destruction of a family, not only its traditions but also its changeless, everlasting dharm is destroyed. He thus equates traditions with Sanatan Dharm. It is well known, he says, how a man has to suffer in hell for the loss of his dharm. But he has only heard so: not seen, but only heard of it.

1.45 -“Tempted by the pleasures of temporal power, alas, what a heinous crime have we resolved to commit by killing our own kith and kin!”

How regrettable that although possessed of wisdom, they are yet determined to commit a grave sin by being intent upon killing their own family because of greed of regal power and its pleasures. At this point Arjun regards his knowledge as in no way less than that of Sri Krishn.All seekers, as it has already been said, feel thus at the outset. According to Mahatma Buddh, so long as a man has only partial knowledge he regards himself as a repository of great wisdom, but as he begins to learn the second half of the knowledge he has to acquire, he regards himself as a great fool. Arjun considers himself a wise man in the same way. He takes the liberty of persuading Sri Krishn that it is simply not possible that their sinful act can have any propitious outcome, and also that their resolve to destroy their family is motivated by sheer greed of sovereignty and its pleasures. They are really committing a terrible error. Convinced that the error is not only his, he has a dig at Sri Krishn when he remarks that the error is also his.

1.46 -“I shall indeed prefer the prospect of being slain by the armed sons of Dhritrashtr while (I am myself) unarmed and unresisting.”

His death at the hands of Dhritrashr’s’s armed sons, while he himself is unarmed and unresisting, will be according to Arjun a fortunate event. History will then remember him as a magnanimous man who had averted a war by sacrificing his own life. People forsake their lives for the happiness of tender, innocent children so that the family may thrive. People go abroad and live in luxurious mansions, but after two days they begin to pine for their discarded hovels. Such is the strength of attachment. It is behind Arjun’s feeling that it will be propitious even if he is killed unresisting by the armed sons of Dhritrashtr, for it will ensure the children of the family a prosperous and happy life. 

1.47 – Sanjay said, “Speaking thus and smitten by grief, in the midst of the battlefield, Arjun put aside his bow and arrows, and sat down in the chariot.”

In other words, Arjun withdraws from the conflict between the physical body-the sphere of action-and the Self within with his awareness of God.

“Humble Wishes” 

About Mrityunjayanand

Still like a newly borne baby, crying in lap of most revered Gurudev with closed eyes. I know nothing more than this "About Me". This given name "Mrityunjayanand" is HIS blessing. Each word being shared here is HIS grace, blessings, teachings where I stand simply as HIS mouthpiece and nothing is here on or of my own. My efforts to spread HIS divine and intuitive teachings are HIS instructions and my humble services in lotus feet of most revered Gurudev. Humble Wishes!!!
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